Tuesday, August 31, 2021

What IS Modern Homesteading?

It’s really all about the food!  And sustainability, self-sufficiency, freedom, slow-living, families (of many different configurations), community, and a new American Dream. Modern homesteaders are a diverse and varied population. Some live in the suburbs and maximize the land surrounding their homes to garden and keep chickens. Others live on rural acreages of all sizes allowing them more options. Are you physically and mentally exhausted, constantly hurrying from one activity to another, or working a stressful and unfulfilling job? Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. Many homesteaders are folks who simply tired of that lifestyle and made a new choice. They work at home to create an old-fashioned, simpler lifestyle growing and raising their own food, cooking and baking from scratch, and hand crafting many of their necessities. Cooking foods you've grown and raised is much more fun than simply buying it at a grocery store AND they taste better!  

So what do homesteaders DO all day?  EVERYTHING! We garden, care for livestock, cook, preserve food, create products for our families and communities, run businesses from home via the Internet and social media, set up produce stands either on our property or at farmer’s markets, and care for our families. Since it is almost September and I live in Kansas, I’ve harvested and preserved most of the produce from my gardens for this season. I've moved on to planning next year’s gardens, constructing new garden beds, and ordering seed for crops to plant this fall. Caring for livestock is a daily chore year-round. I currently have ten laying hens and hope to add more soon (when I have a larger chicken coop). Tomorrow I receive my first ever delivery of thirty chicks to raise and butcher for meat. We live seasonally, so our daily activities ebb and flow. During cooler months, I make soap, body scrubs and creams, and candles for my own use and also sell them at craft shows and direct selling events. Homesteaders are NEVER bored and are always looking for new and exciting ways to grow and improve which is my favorite thing about this lifestyle!

Let me know in the comments what homesteading activities you enjoy (even if you aren’t a “homesteader”) or what activities you’d like to try in the future!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Welcome to the Farm

I began homesteading in 2020 after living on a working farm for over 28 years!  My husband, Rick, was the farmer and I worked “in town” helping support the farm and family.  The urge to cultivate fresh food (due in part to going through cancer treatment in 2017) prompted me to investigate this thing called “modern homesteading.”  What began as an experimental garden grew into the renovation of a cattle lot we rarely used.  We removed old fencing, lots of limestone rock, a few trees, and then tilled a proper garden space!  Over the winter we added fencing to deter wildlife from enjoying our veggies.

In the farm shop, my husband and I built a chicken coop reusing materials stashed around the farm. When finished, Rick moved it to a spot near the new garden using his tractor and bale fork.  We then set to work building an impenetrable chicken run where my new chick friends needn’t worry about predators!


Water and electric lines were trenched out to my new domain completing the infrastructure. 

And so it began.

The homestead grows as I gain confidence and identify new opportunities.  Skills learned building the chicken coop translated to building a chicken tractor this month and I’m awaiting the delivery of 30 Cornish cross chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery.  I’ve never butchered a chicken, but I’ll learn and acquire yet another new skill.  

Welcome to my happy place!